Friday, November 11, 2005


A few weeks ago, I finished a torso posted earlier and had some time left over to do a quick clay sketch during the last half of sculpture class. I took some photos of the quick piece then threw it back into the clay bin. A week later, someone had fished the now broken-off head of the bust out of the bin, and stuck it like a cannibal trophy on top of a pole in the corner. It looked pretty funny. Too bad I didn't get a picture of that. Anyhow, the sculpture is now gone and here are the photos:

For those who wish to know, it was about 12 inches high. And I now like it better than the torso that I kept. (posted by Arna)


Unknown said...

Great sculpture!! Very expressive, love the rough texture style!

Boris Hiestand said...

very raw, doesn't need any more detail or smoothing- looks great!

the doodlers said...

Thanks Alina! Thanks Boris!

The model had a funny almost distainful look about him, which was tricky to capture.

The roughs are fun to do. Someday I'll learn how to do a more finished piece but for now, I'm enjoying working loose.

Uli Meyer said...

Arna, what a shame to throw this away! That'll teach you.

Uli Meyer said...

Oh, and also on the matter of verification codes. I had one once that spelled "fcku". How quaint is that?
The one now is: xksqdwn", how romantic is that?

the doodlers said...

Hello Uli! Thanks for the comment! This makes me think about just what is valuable and what often is thrown away. As a storyboard artist I've drawn hundreds of rough sketches that don't make it into my boards. Once the board is done I toss out most of the roughs. Maybe I'll post some of the roughs I've saved on the blog soon.

Sculpting is all about discovery for me. I'll hold on to the next few pieces a little longer. Maybe they'll look different a few days after I do them.

the doodlers said...

Oh and yes, word verification can sometimes be amusing, like an alien language!


MikeS said...

I really like the roughness to it! It is very strong in the face, very nice tilt to it, almost a 'proud' quality to his expression. In fact, I see him as a younger version of my late great uncle, stern but always meant well.

The word verifications are humourous. I actually got "GROHH" once. Sent it to Jay, I thought it was humourous.

the doodlers said...

Hi Mike! Thanks for the nice comments! Now I can't get the image of your great uncle standing naked on the modelling stand out of my head! :) Cheers, Arna