Friday, February 09, 2007


John took this picture last spring/summer. The Royal Ontario Museum (or ROM as it's known to most Torontonians) is undergoing a bit of a transformation. The reno is called 'The Crystal' but I don't know how crystalline it will be when it's finished, since the skin appears to be white aluminum siding.

This shot shows the old ROM and a skeleton of the new wing in sharp contrast. I wanted the old part to look the way I remember it so gave it a dirt layer. Then I added the dinosaurs fighting in the window as a tribute to the great dinosaur hall. I spent many childhood afternoons standing under the Tyrannosaurus Rex that loomed over the centre of the room, hoping to catch it moving just a little... :)


craig said...

Hey Doodlers,
Great blog! (and photos too). I recognize your Coolman funpack stuff. When I was workin in Ottawa, Robin Budd was directing a project at the studio and he told us about it. Very cool.

Lee-Roy said...
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Lee-Roy said...

I'm not familiar with the ROM, so I don't have that first-hand sentimental value attached to it that you have, but I certainly can relate. I was somewhat depressed by the redesign of the De Young Museum in San Francisco, though most people seem pretty thrilled by it. I'll admit it's fairly neat inside, but the exterior is oppressive. My mom says it looks like a crematorium. I used to go to this place on field trips when I was a kid and it doesn't have any of the charm it did back then. Wish they'd had the sense to preserve it in some way.

Anyway, I've rambled a bit, but nice image, by the way. Wouldn't it be cool if the windows were actually painted in the way you've done it here.

alberto mielgo said...

I was checking this and another of your photographies and pics at flickr.
They are fantastic.

MikeS said...

Don't you wish ALL windows were adorned like this?

Just came in from shoveling the 2 foot snow drifts out from of the house! KEEP WARM DOODLERS!

Enzo Avolio said...

THe ROM was a big hit with my kids.
Except for the BAT exhibit.
My son is CRAZY for bats, and on the day we went, THe bats were getting their cages cleaned. (whoops! NO BATS!)

Maybe we'll go back for March Break!

the doodlers said...

Thanks Craig, Lee-roy, Alberto, Smook, Enzo!!

Craig, we've added you as a link. Very nice blog. Thanks for the Coolman mention. You must have worked with Robin on Boing-Boing!

Lee-Roy, Museums held special places in the hearts of many kids in the fifties, sixties, certainly in our hearts anyways.

Alberto, Wow, thanks. Backatcha!!

Mike, I would indeed like to paint dinosaurs on all the museum windows while it's under construction. Guess you got plenty of exercise last week!

Enzo, I never saw the bats... don't know if they will bring them back...They must have been cool.

mike said...

i remember those a kid, they were gigantonormous...i guess they still are. nice contrast with the new and old phases of the rom...

Unknown said...

THat's the coolest window!!

the doodlers said...

Skanes, The bones were pretty big when I was a kid too. Thanks for the note. I wonder if the T-Rex is still in the museum?

Alina, Thanks for the cool comment!

Richard Mitchelson said...

Looks like a great museum, a bit like a newer version of the natural history museum in London. Which i think is the grandaddy of ALL museums...

the doodlers said...

London has the best museums. Thanks for the comment, Richard!