Friday, July 11, 2008

a quick one...

posted by Arna with no photoshoppin' tweeks:


Unknown said...

so many wonderful drawings!

the doodlers said...

Thanks Alina! Love your new avatar. Or maybe not so new...we've been working not blogging and missed visiting your blog for a while. Best! A & J

Martin Wittig said...

Nice!! Beautiful lines, and excellent flow in these sketches.

Matt Jones said...

Good to see u still sketching-

the doodlers said...

Martin, Thanks! You do know from flow.

Matt, still sketching, not posting so much...

Will get some new stuff up soon.


Chris Garbutt said...

Sorry it's taken so long for me to get back to you.
I do remember you from the Mr Bean show.
How's it going?
Love your blog, keep on doodlin!!

Cheers for checking out my stuff!

Evan Bonifacio said...

Sweet Sketching going on here! so much life!

the doodlers said...


It's going good, thanks...I'm in the thick of a busy board schedule right now. I bet you're working on something cool...maybe a book of yours is in the works?? Always loved your designs. Thanks for stopping by.


Evan, Hey! we're all kinda caught up in the daily doings... it's still great to get feedback from talented folks like you. Cheers!-Arna and John

Ted Bastien said...

Hello guys found your blog.

Hope you're both doing well.

Ted Bastien

the doodlers said...

Hey Ted! We're both good.. and thanks for stopping by. How's everything with you? (^_^)