Saturday, December 01, 2007


She's actually not this fat, but heck, she sure loves to hang out!


Jack Ruttan said...

Awww. He faw down!

the doodlers said...

Hi Jack! Thanks for the note. This is her fave pose...

Max said...

shes totally not that fat! hope she didn't see this, you'll be in the bad books for days!

the doodlers said...


Thanks for defending Kiki, Max. She's really quite trim. And she'd probably take great offence if she saw this. :)

But she tries to eat the left-overs from Jasper's bowl all the time, so I figure this is a warning picture of what she might become if we let her eat the way she'd like to.

Unknown said...

sooo cute!

Enzo Avolio said...

We've all felt like this!

PotatoFarmGirl said...

So squishy! This is a favorite pose of my kitty as well. It must be good to let the tummy hang out like that.

the doodlers said...

Alina: Nice to see your avatar again!

Enzo: You bet.

PFG: She definitely does this when she wakes up and needs to 'air it all out'.

Thanks for the comments guys!

Andrea said...

I have two of those adorable creatures!

the doodlers said...

lucky you!

Eva Vázquez said...

wouou...fantastic cat
un saludo

the doodlers said...

Much appreciated Eva.