Saturday, November 10, 2007

Royal Winter Fair 2006

Here's a little sampler of shots we took during our visit with Daniela and James at the Royal Winter Fair last year. It's been a year and the Royal is on again. What a great place to draw.

But since we might not make it to the fair this year, we'll post this link to a fabulous set of Royal Winter Fair sketches by Drazen Kozjan. Delicious.

Dani and J are in San Francisco now, and from what we hear, life is good. You can visit their blogs here:

Daniela and J


Clive said...

Well, that was a dry spell for you guys and you're posting last years fair photos. Hope all's well and you're just working your butts off or something as usual.

Dani said...

Hey! Look at that! I know those two...
Gee, I wonder what I did with my photos?!?

I miss the Winter Fair!!!

the doodlers said...


Boarding and writing...y'know how it gets... Thanks for dropping by. I think we need to do a phone conversation. It's been an age! Are you still doing The Dark Years?


You did take a lot of shots at the petting zoo. I'd love to see them. I miss the fair too. You guys must have a zoo or something you can go to

Drazen said...

I missed it this year too!
Alison judged the jam and salsa contests tho
which she said was fun

Clive said...

Yeah, I'll try and call or email...we're back at Christmas but very briefly, no vehicle planned, and with SL's family. I may try and get into Toronto for a day...only have one day to do it...and see The Master and you guys if I can. Wow, according to Drazen the AG fair has come a long, they're having jams and salsa dancing contests...It was just smelly old animals when I used to sketch there, not too hip at all.

the doodlers said...

Hey Drazen,

Did Alison bring any of those tasty competition samples home with her?


The Royal Winter Fair is now full of salsa dancing dogs and maple syrup drinking drunkards. It's a madhouse. :)

Jack Ruttan said...

Aha. You updated just in time, so now I'm not taking you off my blogroll! (whew!)

Jack Ruttan said...

That's a big pig butt!

(likes agricultural fairs, even the smells, up to a point)

Marcos Mateu said...

WHAT?? no bullfighting???
Just kidding. Nice shots! I like the desat tones.

the doodlers said...

Hey Jack! Thanks for keeping us on your blogroll.. I just realized that you are not on ours so we'll coreect that right now. And yup that is a big pig butt.

Hi Marcos, no bullfighting. Though they do have some large bulls. Mostly the bulls just stand around in stalls displaying their fancy ribbons.