Monday, July 02, 2007

Kiki In Purple_1

I like Art Rage... :)


Dominic Bugatto said...

Nice, yeah, I'm a fan of the program myself. I'm amazed at how fast it renders. Very little lag time.

Drazen said...

i liike when you rage on art

the doodlers said...

Dominic, I'm new to it but I find it's pretty resposive. Very nice.

Hi Drazen, and thanks! I think...? :)

MikeS said...

It's very playful, it doesn't seem like you were angry at all.

the doodlers said...

Nope, not angry. It's such an easy program to use..tonnes of fun!!

And 'responsive' too. :) Think I'll spring the $20 for the full version. Why can't all programs be this simple?