Saturday, December 02, 2006

Variations on a cat theme...

Posted by Arna:

Images from morning warm-ups with our cats...


Anonymous said...

In the second photo that cat looks as curious as... well... you know.

Good seeing you at the Super Sonics bash on Friday. Hope all your boarding goes well.

Jack Ruttan said...

The cubist/futurist cat is great.

Dominic Bugatto said...

these are quite nice, esp the 2nd one.

Grant said...

These are nice. The top one is especially vigorous and lively. I will add you guys too.

Unknown said...

OH BOY!! YOu have the cutest kitties on the planet!! Soo CUTE!! Beautiful drawing of the kitty too!! How old are they?

the doodlers said...

Matt, Good seeing you too. Love your new Film Fest Blog. Go there now people!Matt has great tase in films!

Jack, Dominic, Thanks guys. Very much appreciated.

Grant, Thanks a big bunch. Thanks for the link back as well.

Alina, Thanks! The kitties are both about 8. And yes, they are the CUTEST KITTIES IN THE UNIVERSE. :)

the doodlers said...

That would be Matt has great TASTE in films... urrghhh.

Clive said...

Those kitties feet are disease vectors! Whack 'em off the table, quick! Lovely drawings and digital reworkings. And speaking of vectors, disease and otherwise, the flash drawing below is very nice. Know nothing about flash except you can make it move and shake.

Anonymous said...

Woaw... nice stuff!! Especially the one the cats are sleeping on.. (*Shoo cats.. shoo! ;)

I've got kiddies too. One plays with her ball across the kitchen floor like a soccer player.. haha.

*I think i'll draw that :)


Drazen said...

just so darn cute
they say the oldest cat lived till 37

Chris Battle said...

Bad kitties! Stay off the drawing table!!!

BLAMMO The Art of Jason Groh said...

Man can you ever draw!!


Anonymous said...

thanks for the visit to my blog...

i like the drawing of the cat in the first photo -- the one the cats are sitting has a nice sensibility to it...

Anonymous said...

Beautiful....just beautiful illustrations. Makes me feel like drinking

Enzo Avolio said...

Love that first sketch...
(...and I'm a dog person!)

Mattias Adolfsson said...

Wonderful, our cat used to love chasing the cursor...

Martin Wittig said...

I agree! Lovely sketches!:)

Max said...

cool cats!
you know, it would be cool to see you do an illustrated story, like some of those you've talked to me about, done like this.

the doodlers said...

Clive, don't know if you'll read this ... it's such a busy time of year, we're lax in our blogging replies. I'd be interested to see what you did with Flash. The program has an immediacy to it that can be a boon or bane.

Thanks everyone who commented on the cat variations. Warms the spirit to get such feedback.

Thanks Max for your encouragent and the 'push'! Yup, gotta put some stories in the works.

Cheers all!

Anonymous said...

Nice renderings.

the doodlers said...

Thanks, Ron!