Friday, December 15, 2006

Too many eyes...

I'm not sure if this guy is a plant or animal. Imagine coming upon a horde of these in the woods...

Have a lovely weekend, peoples!


Anonymous said...

cute little guy's got fish egg eyes ;)

Have a good weekend Doodlers!


Matt Jones said...

Merry Xmas Doodlers, catch you in 2007.

Anonymous said...

Ahhhh! What a cute widdle guy.

the doodlers said...

Ariel, Yup the eyes are definitely egg-yolk like. Thanks for the note. Back at cha!

Matt J. Merry Xmas to you too! We will definitely catch you in 2007.

Grant, Cute, but... maybe a little sinister too....? What's with those teeth??

MikeS said...

Happy Christmas and Merry New Year Doo-Doo-Doodlers. A Phil Collins song popped into my head as I typed Doodlers.......sorry.

Anonymous said...

A monster can never have enough eyes !! Cool pic !

Clive said...

They follow me around the room. Uncanny. Hey, the painting is interesting below too. Are you doing the sketches on a laptop or just looking out the window over the monitor? I have to try that with SL's laptop one day. Have a great holiday guys and all the best for the new year.


Fun image , And I love those cat sketches. Beautiful. Happy Holidays!!

Anonymous said...

I bet the eyes are a real delicacy... mmm!

Plant or animal, it looks like something the Henson Creature Shop should build!

Mauricio said...

Happy Xmas !!!!!!!!!!!

2007 full of happiness

the doodlers said...

Smook! Quit with the Phil Collins song already. We owe you an e-mail. :)

Andrew, Yeah you're right, the more eyes the better. Cheers!

Clive, howdee! I just sat at the monitor and the window is across the room. I'm actually between two windows so in theory I could see sunrise if I was working at that hour which I am NEVER ever. Happy New Year to you too.

Shane, Emma, Thanks so much you guys! That's hi praise coming from you!

Mauricio! We return your greetings. All the best in 2007.

Boogervampire said...

Awe! He is far too sweet! If I came across one I think I'd have to take it home with me!

PotatoFarmGirl said...

I would like to come across a horde of these guys in the woods. I would bring them cookies, and teach them tricks.

the doodlers said...
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the doodlers said...

BoogerV, PotatoFG, Thanks you guys! Those are very good suggestions. That's how I see the story unfolding too. :):)