Originally, this was a throw-away drawing from a sketchbook. It felt awkward and clumsily drawn when I did it a few months ago. Then I realized that this one is more about the character and less about the drawing. ( Hey, that's my excuse for a bad drawing, what can I say!) I've added the wallpaper and shadows in photoshop. Maybe it needs a picture of Cyril's Ma and Pa on the wall behind him, dunno what the relatives look like yet...

posted by Arna
Great character sketched out...and with a not so common name these days.
Great drawing.. love the expression..
Love the character design!! very appealing! THe BG texture elegantly frame the character, and create a neat atmosphere!
HI Doodlers, lovin the Blog, some great pics. especially enjoying the sausage dogs. Got here via Sean Haydens Blog and glad i did
Nice work
Nice sketch! I love this character: big nose and round eyes!
That's so awesome of you to take a "throw away" sketch like this and create a charming character. I'm so happy to have met Cyril! I'd like to meet his family too. :)
What are you talking about? This is a great drawing! Nice character description as well. I feel like I know him.
A very nice design and a great sketch, Arna. Glad it found a home on your blog!
Hey doodlers, first I want to apologize, I haven't been by more lately. I have been blog trolling today, making visits and apologies to great artists like yourself. I come by today and see this , and I love it, of course. I love that you made a backstory to him. I love doing that with the characters I draw as well. Will you do more with this guy. That would be a treat.
I love it Arna!
You never know when you back into a story. I'd like to see Cyril's Ma and Pa...maybe that's page two.
Hello all! Thanks for the great comments!. I'll have you know that due to popular demand Cyril's family will soon be making their appearance on this blog. Be careful what you wish for.
CountFunky, What's a matta-you? Are you Canadian? Going around apologizing for Pete's sake... whoops there I go stereotyping... sorry...
Seriously, you guys are all so uber talented, we're getting a real charge from visiting all your blogs and checking out the amazing art therin. We really appreciate your feedback.
Cyril looks like most of my friends! Nice piece Arna.
Xkoks is the word verification. Isn't that a song by The Fall?
Michael, I was googling The Fall lyrics and song repertoir to see if I could find that song, but without success, and I think you are just pulling my leg. Thanks for the comment though, we're great admirers of your work! Your stuff is fantastic!
On a more general note, animating avatars make my cursor flutter. I'd like to see a fight between The Count's screaming dragon and Todd's Puffenstuff.
Too good a drawing to throw away, glad you posted it!
Great feel . . .very impressive.
Matt, Mark, cheers,
Much appreciated.
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