Friday, September 30, 2005

sailing towards Neverland...

Two images from Arna's rough storyboard for Return To Neverland (Sequel to Peter Pan)
Created for Walt Disney Canada, 1998 ( studio is now closed)
Director: Robin Budd

I'm still fond of these little drawings, though it's been a while since the rough sequence that they were part of hit the cutting room floor. You can see a longer portion of the board on my portfolio site if you wish to go there. It's part of a song sequence in which we re-introduce Peter and his band of lost boys as they make their way back to Neverland after capturing Captain Hook's pirate ship. One of the boys wears Hook's coat (which is too big for him) and swashbuckles about on deck pretending to make another boy walk the plank.


Dennis West said...

That looks great! too bad is was left out of the movie. How can you go wrong with pirates and sailing ships?

J said...

Cool stuff Arna, you'll have to teach me sometime.

the doodlers said...

Dennis, thanks for stopping by! There are still plenty of pirates and sailing ships in Pan 2, just not these scenes...

James, I'm not sure what I can teach you that you won't already know, but thanks for the kind words! Just keep on practicing your craft!